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    Are You Smarter Than a Fresher?

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    Are You Smarter Than a Fresher?

    Science Society
    • 20 Sep 2022, 06:00 pm
    • UCD Student Centre,Astra Hall
    • Ireland

    Whats About

    In Astra Hall, we will be hosting a live game show, similar to "Are you smarter than a 5 year old?" and "the big fat quiz of the year". Take part in speed friending with pizza first. After making friends, you can decide if you want to compete in “Are You Smarter Than a Fresher”, where you will be teamed up with a science PhD! You will be working together during this game show on trivia from junior cert to leaving cert. Freshers will have the upper hand in this trivia, the PhDs will need your help. You could also be part of the audience or a "lifeline" that teams can call on for help during the game. Guaranteed to be a night of laughs, pizza and friends. Prizes are also to be won!